
Showing posts from February, 2018

Doug Vermeeren | Our Values determine so much!

Personal Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren This is a most important subject which I anticipate you will be seeing many times in the future with Personal Power Mastery. The reason why is that people always support what they value most. Let me put it another way, why do people struggle to get to their goals? Why do people struggle to keep New Year’s resolutions? Why do employees miss sales goals? Why do people even forget things they said they would do? Why do people even forget important dates like birthdays and anniversaries? It all has to do with our values. What we value most becomes a priority. What we don’t value gets procrastinated, discarded, postponed, avoided or experiences whatever other kind of neglect you can think of. We always do what we value most. We always protect what we value most. And so therefore our life is really a reflection of what we value most. For some people we can instantly see that values that are not creating patterns of success. I

Doug Vermeeren | Learn from the best in the best way – Personal Power Mastery

Doug Vermeeren : Imagine if there was a million dollars in a brief case for you on the other side of a field. The money is all yours all you have to do is go and pick it up. There is however one catch the field is filled with landmines and you don’t know where they are. Crossing this field will be a very challenging not to mention potentially explosive obstacle. However you have a few options to get across. Option 1 – Run like heck a hope you make it okay. Option 2 – Read a book about it and take it slowly and cautiously on your own. Option 3 – Have someone who has navigated the field once before tell you what to do from the sidelines. Option 4 – Have someone who has successfully navigated the field multiple times walk with you and point out the potential dangers and challenges. Which one would you pick? When it’ appears in the context it’s pretty obvious which choice is the one you should select to complete the objective of crossing the field. But when it comes to

Secrets of Story Telling for Speakers – 10X Your Speaking Business with Douglas Vermeeren

Secrets of Storytelling for Speakers According to  Douglas Vermeeren Storytelling is one of the most important skills a speaker can develop. Storytelling is the most important part of connection and engagement. It makes you real and relatable. It is what allows people to see your authenticity. Storytelling is also considered one of the most powerful skills you can have when selling form the stage. The power of storytelling cannot be underestimated. I love storytelling. (Can you tell?) One of the reasons I love story telling is I love stories. I love hearing them, writing them and watching them. I love them so much that’s actually what I studied in school. (Yes, that’s true I didn’t go to school to actually become a speaker.  Doug Vermeeren went to become a filmmaker and my studies focused on screenwriting. You’ve seen some of my work already in The Opus, The Gratitude Experiment and my latest movie The Treasure Map. I’ve written many other non-personal development stories

Doug Vermeeren Rated As One of the Top Speaker Trainers by Huffington Post

Douglas Vermeeren rated as one of the top speaker trainers by Huffington Post Doug Vermeeren excited to have my company 10X Your Speaking Business and myself recognized by the Huffington Post as one of the top speaker training programs today. I must admit that we have worked very hard to become the best and our results are definitely speaking for themselves. We work very hard to make sure that our tools are leading the marketplace and helping speakers create profitable businesses. We look at training our speakers very different than others. We not only want you to have practical skills on stage, we believe that you need to understand how to be competitive in today’s marketplace. You need to understand the business models available to you in today’s market. You need to know how to get speaking gigs. You need to know how to create and host your own events. You need to know how to use social media. You need to know how to get attention and so many other important skills for