Doug Vermeeren | Learn from the best in the best way – Personal Power Mastery

Doug Vermeeren: Imagine if there was a million dollars in a brief case for you on the other side of a field. The money is all yours all you have to do is go and pick it up. There is however one catch the field is filled with landmines and you don’t know where they are. Crossing this field will be a very challenging not to mention potentially explosive obstacle.

However you have a few options to get across.

Option 1 – Run like heck a hope you make it okay.
Option 2 – Read a book about it and take it slowly and cautiously on your own.
Option 3 – Have someone who has navigated the field once before tell you what to do from the sidelines.
Option 4 – Have someone who has successfully navigated the field multiple times walk with you and point out the potential dangers and challenges.

Which one would you pick?

When it’ appears in the context it’s pretty obvious which choice is the one you should select to complete the objective of crossing the field. But when it comes to practice in real life you’d be surprised how many choose the first option of simply “winging it” and making a run for it.
Let me share a little about each of these and then make a case why the final one is the best option in real life too.

Option 1

Run like heck and hope you make it. This is the way most people approach getting to their goals in real life. Whether it’s in their career pursuits, building a business, flipping a house, becoming a professional athlete or even a rock star. When it comes to achieving their goals most people try to do it solo without support. They rush in whatever direction with whatever activities they think will help them make progress. This is also known as the school of hard knocks. This can be painful, expensive and time consuming. They are the people that think reading, seminars, coaches, mentors and that kind of thing is a waste of time. They often will say things like, “You’ve got to pay your dues.” and “There’s no substitute for hard work.” Most of the time they never achieve anything great and often never get close to their goals.

Option 2

Read a book about it and take it slowly and cautiously on your own. – I hope I can share this one in a way that makes sense. I am an avid reader and a strong defender of reading and books. But if we are honest there are some limitations. Many people feel that simply reading a book on a subject makes you an expert. I see this ALL the time with other speakers in my career. They read a book about someone else success and suddenly feel they are qualified to teach others about success. (What a disservice to those they claim to serve. They can’t help others because they aren’t even willing to recognize their own limitations.) While reading a book will give you power there are still limitations. One of the challenges with this option in real life (and this happens with just attending seminars too) is that you learn just enough to make you dangerous so to speak. In other words you will get the information to make you started but what happens if you run up against a situation the book doesn’t cover or the seminar didn’t teach you about? What will you do? You will be stuck until you can get help.
The second part of this is taking it slow and cautiously. And we see this reflected in many people in real life. They slow their progress down to make certain that they have all of the answers they need before they take action. Hopefully that’s not you. But if it is let’s clarify one thing even with the top mentors speaking to you hourly you will still not have all the answers. It is just not possible. You will have to walk by faith if you are going to claim the prize.
No in finishing this option I want to emphatically state that I AM NOT AGAINST READING. I am against reading by itself. To be most effective it needs to be a component of a stronger strategy which we will talk about in a moment.

Option 3

Have someone who has navigated the field once before tell you what to do from the sidelines. This option is getting better because you have the ability to rely on the experience of someone else who has completed the task. But as this article is entitled, “Learn from the best in the best way” I have to point out that while this is the best option so far there are still limitations. Someone observing you from the sidelines is often not aware of the specific details you are facing and they aren’t always seeing things as you see them in the field. They may not always give you the best advice because they don’t always know you and your particular situation in close up detail. It kind of reminds me of the encouragement that we often hear repeated, “Take a millionaire to lunch.” We’ll on the surface that’s a great idea, but in reality it’s going to take more than a lunch to get yourself truly on track to make your own million.

Option 4

Have someone who has successfully navigated the field multiple times walk with you and point out the potential dangers and challenges. This final option is the best. Essentially it is having someone who has successfully accomplished what you are intending to do work with you directly to help you successfully arrive at the same conclusion. Often times this can cost more money than the other options up front but in the end it is actually the least expensive and most productive. In many cases as I have observed attendees to our seminars over the years this is also the option that actually gets the most results. Too often people come through our doors that have been trying the other options for years – but suddenly when they get the courage to actually get someone personally involved in helping them everything finally comes together.
Naturally using a combination of all of these things will provide value as well so don’t neglect any learning opportunity that will support you on your mission.
There is one last things that Doug Vermeeren want to share that is important to recognize when it comes to learning and perhaps this is the concept that is closest to the title of this article. “Learn from the best in the best way.” Not all mentors, teachers, coaches, books, seminars YouTube videos and learning tools are created equal. The lessons from some “Gurus” Will actually take you backwards and cost you time and money instead of helping you fulfill your purposes. Yes, you can learn from everyone and sometimes those lessons can be the wrong way to do something.
Life is short and your time is limited. Seek out the very best people to learn from and make the commitment to appreciate yourself enough to select the support that will ultimately serve you best.
Douglas Vermeeren Challenge: Get out there today and seek out in person mentors and support to help you get to your goals.
Source By: Doug Vermeeren


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