Doug Vermeeren | Our Values determine so much!
Power Mastery Minute by Douglas Vermeeren
This is a most important subject which I anticipate you will be
seeing many times in the future with Personal Power Mastery. The reason why is
that people always support what they value most. Let me put it another way, why
do people struggle to get to their goals? Why do people struggle to keep New Year’s
resolutions? Why do employees miss sales goals? Why do people even forget
things they said they would do? Why do people even forget important dates like
birthdays and anniversaries? It all has to do with our values.
What we
value most becomes a priority.
What we don’t value gets procrastinated, discarded, postponed,
avoided or experiences whatever other kind of neglect you can think of. We
always do what we value most. We always protect what we value most. And so
therefore our life is really a reflection of what we value most.
For some people we can instantly see that values that are not
creating patterns of success. I call these the patterns of poverty. They
include values such as immediate gratification, the value to impress others,
the value to appear powerful, the desire to be liked.
There are additional values that rob people of success and that
can include appetites that can’t be feed with food, drugs, sex, and any other
physical indulgence.
And naturally there are ego based values that also keep success
from coming your way.
The truth of the matter is after conducting seminars for the
last 20 years and having thousands of attendees come through our doors even
these values are not what people really want. Most of the above we have been
taught by sources outside our true self that these values if you embrace them
will bring happiness and fulfillment. Instead they are nothing but counterfeits
and imposters in the long run.
The most powerful values come from what I call Authentic of
When people discover their sense of true purpose their true
values appear. Most of these are often about connecting with the true self and
connecting with the goodness in other people. (That will be an article for
another time.)
But for today Doug Vermeeren would challenge you to think carefully about
what you really want and if you spend some soul-searching time to consider the
roots of why you really want it you will be able to discover how genuine your
values are. And the shift that you might experience could very well surprise
Source By: Doug Vermeeren
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