
Showing posts from January, 2018

Is The Public Speaking Dead?

For the last two decades I have been a public speaker. I have seen a lot of changes and most prominently I have seen many new speakers arrive on the scene with the intention to create a massive business sharing their expertise. More often than not they fail. This makes me ask: Is public speaking as a business dead or dying? As I have carefully considered this question and looked at the complete landscape of what is really going on in this highly saturated industry of speaking, coaching, mentoring and personal development in general I have an answer to this question: The old way of building this business is dying. While those who understand the nuances of today’s marketplace are not only thriving but building incredible 7 & 8 figure businesses. If I were summarize a few of the differences between the dying and thriving it would be as simple as this: The dying are relying on an old model of the speaking business. In other words they are focusing on creati

Doug Vermeeren | Value of Motivational Speaking in Modern Times

The motivational speakers have a serious impact on how folks see their day to day life. Actually, the person who delivers the inspirational speeches has the ability to boost the morale of listeners. According to a professional  Douglas Vermeeren , listening to the inspiring speech help individuals in finding their ethos. Furthermore, this kind of speaking gives the pluck to chase what is vital to you. Everyone wants their staff works smoothly as well as proficiently as possible. The inspirational speaker offers different techniques which improve the productivity and allow workforces to leave the work on time every day. According to a research, the happy employees are 20 percent more productive than the unhappy one. Truth is inspirational speaking help in spicing up the work day and also allow to enjoy the work no matter the task at hand. Hence, individuals should have to provide the inspirational speaking workshop in the company. Inspirational Speaking as a Business Today